women's ministry

In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), Jesus calls believers to “make disciples of all nations”. The purpose of the Women's Ministry is to call women towards that end. The events, whether a Bible study or a game night, ultimately have disciple-making as the goal.

The desire of Women’s Ministry is to nurture the hearts of women to know God’s word and follow faithfully after Christ, to demonstrate authenticity and love, and to serve as they are uniquely made. More simply stated, our aim is to encourage disciple-making disciples!

Every Christian is called to grow in spiritual maturity (become more like Jesus and know him better) and the Lord designed us to grow within relationships.

What you will see in the pages of this booklet are opportunities to draw closer to Jesus and to other women who are also on the journey of becoming more like him. 


Our every-other-month Front Porch News is digital! This is a great way to stay connected with the women at Grace through testimonies, inspirational thoughts, and yes, even recipes.




Upcoming Events


New events Coming soon!


Legacy is an event for women of ALL ages & stages! Our purpose is to provide a relaxing evening of food, fellowship, and spiritual encouragement and challenge. We desire to be women of the Word of God who leave behind godly legacies for our family, friends, and neighbors.

If you are new to Grace, Legacy is a great starting point in meeting other women. It is also a welcoming environment to bring a friend from outside the church. We will eat a meal together, listen to a speaker or panel of women, and participate in table discussions. Register online or watch for the Sign Up Station in the Foyer before each event.

Bible Studies

Do you have a desire to experience genuine community? Our desire is to encourage women toward personal and spiritual maturity through the teaching and counsel from God’s Word. A small group setting provides opportunities to engage in a deep and personal way.

Sunday School

Using the Discovery Bible Method, Becky Esch will lead a study over a number of passages throughout the Bible focusing on “Honor and Shame.”

Beginning with Genesis 1:26-31, we will look at this passage with the topic “Created, honored, and not ashamed.” We will continue on to other passages with topics like: “Shame is the result of sin and is expressed in hiding from God” (Genesis 3:1-13) and “Honor is achieved by Jesus; great reversal from shame to honor” (Philippians 2:5-11).

No sign up or book is needed (other than your Bible)! We will invite God to lead us through His Word and the encouragement of each other!

Starts: May 19 - August 4
Books: No text other than the Bible is required
Childcare: Not provided (unless you’re using Sunday School classes) Teachers: Becky Esch

Hour of Prayer

You're invited to the once a month Women's Prayer Hour! We will pray for our church, community, and world (and of course the list of what/who we can pray about goes on and on!). This is open to any women that are interested, so feel free to tell your friends.

We will meet on the second Tuesday of the month from 11:30-12:30pm in the Prayer Room. It is come and go, so feel free to pop in as you are able. No RSVP required, but if you want to be added to the text reminder list email Julie Friesen at julie.a.friesen@gmail.com.


We want to help you get connected! If you have questions or feedback regarding the programs offered, please feel free to reach out to the Women’s Ministry Team at
womensministryatgcc@gmail.com or Team Leader, Julie Friesen, at julie.a.friesen@gmail.com.